A simple fine motor activity that keeps little ones entertained!
Materials: cylindrical container with a thin plastic top (oatmeal container, breadcrumb container, coffee can, etc.), scissors, popsicle sticks, construction paper (optional), tape or glue (optional)
- Use scissors to carefully poke holes through the lid of the container and cut each hole into a rectangle, large enough for the Popsicle sticks to fit through
- Place the top on the container
- Wrap the container in paper and tape or glue it down to stay in place (optional)
- Model for your child how to fit a Popsicle stick through the lid of the container
- Hand your child the Popsicle sticks
- Allow your child to experiment with dropping the Popsicle sticks in the container
- Once all of the Popsicle sticks have been dropped inside of the container, take them out and start the fun all over
- Enjoy!