Materials: pom pom, gift box, markers, scissors
- On the top of the box, draw a picture of your choice

- Using markers that match the colors of your pom poms, draw circles inside of your picture and fill them in

- Using your scissors, poke an X through the center of each circle, large enough for the pom poms to fit through

- Place the top on the gift box on the bottom
- *For young 1 year olds, simply have them practice pushing the pom poms through the holes for fine motor practice while you identify the color of the pom pom they are using (“You found the RED pom pom!” or “Push the BLUE pom pom through the hole.”)
- *For older 1 year olds, model for your child how to push the pom poms through the holes by matching the color of the pom pom to the color of the circle while you identify the color they are using for them (“You picked the PINK pom pom. Now push it through the PINK hole. You matched PINK with PINK! Nice job matching!”)
- Let your child practice

- Once the pom poms have all been pushed through the holes, open the box, dump out the pom poms and begin again
- Enjoy!