Looking for a quick, easy activity that ALSO works on fine motor skills? Here it is!
Materials: paper plate (the sturdier the better), writing utensil, scissors, hole punch, yarn/string, tape
- On the back of the paper plate draw the shape of an egg
- Cut out the egg on the plate
- Punch holes on the plate around the outside of the egg cut out
- Cut a piece of yarn/string (approximately 8 ft. pictured)
- Tie a large knot (big enough that it will not slip through the hole punched hole) at one end of the yarn/string and wrap a piece of tape around the opposite end to help guide the yarn/string through the holes without fraying
- Place the taped side of the yarn/string through one punched hole and begin lacing
- Undo the yarn/string and repeat as often as you like
- Enjoy!