Materials: 3 toy dinosaurs of different sizes, paper, writing utensil, scissors, stackable blocks/cubes
- On a piece of paper write the words “tallest”, “shortest” and “longest”
- Cut out each word to be used as a label
- Set out each dinosaur with the blocks/cubes
- Share with your child that they will be using the blocks/cubes to measure each dinosaur to determine which is the tallest, shortest and longest, and then will use the cards to label each accordingly
- Model lining the blocks/cubes up on the ground next to the dinosaur from the tip of it’s nose/horn to the tip of it’s tail for length and stacking them next to the dinosaur from the ground to the top of the dinosaurs head/horn for height
- Have your child start by measuring the three dinosaurs lengthwise
- Once all of the dinosaurs have the blocks/cubes lined up next to the dinosaurs, have your child point to each block as they count how long each dinosaur is (i.e. the triceratops is 11 cubes long, the brontosaurus is 14 cubes long, the triceratops is 9 cubes long)
- Have your child determine which dinosaur is the longest by identifying which number is the largest. If they are not sure which number is the biggest, they can line the block/cube stacks up next to one another and see which has the most. Another option is to count up from 1 and remove one stack at a time as you pass its number until you are left with only one. A number line can also be used to see which number is the largest.
- Label the longest dinosaur with the “longest” piece of paper (your child can look for the beginning letter)
- Have your child determine which dinosaur is the shortest by identifying which number is the smallest. If they are not sure which number is the smallest, they can line the block/cube stacks up next to one another and see which has the least. Another option is to count up from 1 and see which number you reach first from the number of cubes in the stack. A number line can also be used to see which number is the smallest.
- Label the shortest dinosaur with the “shortest” piece of paper (your child can look for the beginning letter)
- Have your child measure the height of the three dinosaurs
- Have your child determine which dinosaur is the tallest by identifying which number is the largest. If they are not sure which number is the biggest, they can line the block/cube stacks up next to one another and see which has the most. Another option is to count up from 1 and remove one stack at a time as you pass its number until you are left with only one. A number line can also be used to see which number is the largest.
- Label the tallest dinosaur with the “tallest” piece of paper (your child can look for the beginning letter)
- Once all three labels have been used, observe which dinosaur received each label. Was one dinosaur both the longest and the tallest? Was the longest dinosaur only the longest due to the length of its tail? Discuss any observation made
- Enjoy!